The powerful components of maximum time saving may seem inconspicuous. However, when used in combination, they can take the world of production to a totally new level.

Templates translate all your products and styles into the world of Secret Ear Designer. A template comprises construction lines, planes, properties and other earmold determinants. In other words, all modeling decisions can be packed into it. At the same time, template creation is as simple as modeling an earmold with Secret Ear Designer.

Artificial intelligence is used to project all the template information onto the end customer's ear scans to achieve an optimized result. The AI modules of Secret Ear Designer were trained with hundreds of thousands of specimens for unrivaled approximation.

Secret Ear Builder automatically assembles platforms for 3D printing. Several earmold build jobs can be created simultaneously to achieve the most efficient utilization of production resources.

ERP-Link allows integration with the lab's own ERP system to create earmold design orders, define settings and integrate ear scans. Template settings can be automatically overridden in accordance with special customer requirements. Furthermore, the production process is monitored.

Secret Ear Viewer is the preferred tool for quality control of autonomously modeled earmolds. If immediate design adjustments are necessary, Secret Ear Designer offers a valid alternative.

Unattended Execution is the name of Secret Ear Designer in its most agile and independent form. It offers unsurpassed customer value in allowing for batch processing without intervention by a 3D modeler. Earmolds are designed fully automatically in the background.